As winter in Kyushu approaches, the temperatures are finally beginning to drop. This change of weather is both a blessing and a curse. Two years later, I still can't decide if I prefer Japanese summers or winters more. The summers are unbearably hot while the winters are, at least for me, unbearably cold. Considering that as an even bout, the additional factors still even out the situation. The summer brings an abundance of annoying bugs while the winter brings much shorter days of sunlight. Perhaps I can never be satisfied with the weather in Japan. So what have I learned two years later? Deal with it.
I have a few more goals to accomplish while I'm here and thus I've decided to extend my stay by one more year. I have mixed feelings towards this decision, but due to certain circumstances, it may be the only decision that I have.
I've been trying to ride my bike a lot more. It's been painfully cold and dark every morning, so I have to keep reminding myself of Kelly's advice, "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger". On a positive note, being able to see the sunrise and sunset every morning has made me happy. Often times I've found myself smiling on my bike even though in pain from both riding and the cold.
Looking down on Iizuka. One of the steepest roads I've ever ridden/walked up. |
Kotake sunsets. |
Outtabounds in Japan. |
I also had the chance to go mountain biking thanks to a friend here. It was really long overdue and I don't know what I've been doing the past two years wasting my time not having gone riding. I had expected not much XC-type riding, but I also hadn't expected a more DH type of trail. At first I was scared and also really twitchy because I hadn't ridden a mountain bike in a long time. Eventually I got a better feel for it and started having fun. My buddy Nicholas had a bad crash, got hurt, and went to the hospital but I was so happy to hear that he's ok.
Gorgeous day for mountain bike action. |
Getting ready to head up. |
First time to be shuttled up a mountain. |
Paragliding above. |
Things that I can't do on a mountain bike. |
Finally, I was able to experience a thanksgiving with friends in Japan. Thanks to Jennifer (aka vietnamese martha stwewart), we had an excellent dinner. She cooked loads of food and all of it was some of the best I've ever had. It's important to point out that nearly everything was homemade from scratch! Good times with good food and good people.
Good people. |
Good food. |
Homemade. |
Turkey drumstick. |
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