i like summer

While living in Japan, I always wondered which season I prefer. Summers temperatures can reach up to 90F+ with 95% humidity and winters can dip below freezing for a few weeks. Summer has bugs. Winter doesn't have proper heating. I used to think I preferred winter. Turns out. I was wrong. I prefer summer. While summer is far from pleasant, at least I'm still able to ride my bike. Sure, I could ride my bike in the winter, but it's far more painful when your hands, feet, and face freeze from the windchill. Of course winter riding gear exists, but those pieces of kit are expensive and still leave me feeling cold. Not to mention that putting on winter kit is quite the task. Then when it snows or gets icy, it's actually dangerous out there. Days are short. Many rides are done in the dark, when it's even colder. Simply put, riding in the winter is painful and depressing. And yet, it's still fun. But this is why I prefer ...