
Showing posts from September, 2017

MBC 2017 - Reflection

*All pictures from have been uploaded to a google album.  The link is below* I finally had the feeling of disappointment. I won't be receiving an MBC 2017 Finisher Jersey because I don't deserve one.  I didn't finish. It's a bit silly to be fussed about not receiving a jersey, but this is one that I wanted.  Earning this jersey meant that I accomplished something epic. At the time I wasn't bummed about not finishing.  I was sick, the only thing on my mind was getting home and getting back to the comforts of familiar surroundings, specifically, my bed and my toilet.  Two weeks ago I knew I was at my limit, there wasn't much more I could have done to finish. However, all of that has changed now.  Yes, I was sick.  But that shouldn't have mattered.  I still could have finished if I wanted it enough.  I didn't die nor did I even come close to taking an unwanted trip to the hospital.  Afte...