The start of my post this time around is more of an observation and possibly a critique of Japan society and culture. I'm not far enough removed from school as I found myself quoting a source or two in this portion below. Feel free to skip it, but if you have an inquisitive mind for my own mind, then please mind to read the portion below as I don't mind. I'm starting to accept life here, but I'm not so sure I can say I've adjusted quite yet. I think it's quite obvious that when moving to a new country and city that's 4,393 miles away [I looked it up and Google says that's the exact distance from Honolulu to Fukuoka], speaks a different language, and has different societal and culture norms, you won't adjust over night...and even 3 weeks. When I first looked through the JET handbook I laughed at a page that talked about culture shock. I thought that being from Hawaii, there's no way I would experience culture shock to the same de...