Adaptation from a Multiethnic to Monoethnic Society: My treatment towards the Japanese majority.
This is a potentially offensive post. But it's my reality. It's also my initiative to figure out how to best adapt to Japan in a manner that I can be proud of for myself and for others to accept me as well. I can't help but feel that I treat Japanese people differently than I would treat anyone back home. I suppose that's natural, since we have a cultural, societal, and language barrier between us. But there's something more to it than just that. I've met other foreigners before who did not share the same language as me, and though I may have treated them differently, it wasn't to the same extent that I treat the Japanese. So this feeling that I had of my treatment towards Japanese left me a bit perplexed, to the point where I decided to do a bit of research to attempt to uncover what I was feeling. Maybe my imagined treatment began in the classroom and how I dealt with Japanese English Language Learner students vs. Hawaiian Language Art...